Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alicia and LJ video


Liam Joe, named after his Grandpa Joe Berry is mostly called LJ. He is our last of five kids. There are five years between him and Jill because we talked too long about whether or not we were done and Heavenly Father decided to finish the discussion. We have never had one like him. He is the cutest little stinker as you can see from all of his, "Mamma's Little Helper" pictures. He loves his brother and sisters and cars and balls. He calls cars "vroom vroom" thanks to my Dad and he loves balls as was evident a couple of weeks ago as he left Alicia's side at Issac's basketball game to cross the court during a time out to join the huddle and finish coaching the 4th quarter in my arms. He has lots of helpers at home and I am still surprised he ever learned to walk as often as he gets carried. We all love him in our lives!


I am taking over the Blog for Alicia to get her caught up. This is Jill, child number 4. Jill has many nicknames. We call her Jilly Bean, Bean Bean, Baby Girl or just plain Bean. Like all of our kids, she has a song. I have usually come up with all the songs and nicknames...except for Jill. Alicia came up with Jill's and although she has out grown it, you will get the point really quick. (It is sung to the tune, "I'm a Little Tea Pot") "I am Jilly Lungren tall and stout. So hard to handle makes my Mommy pout. When I get all steamed up ooh watch out! I'll tip you over or pull your hair out!" This song is sung because it used to be 100% true. We love Jill.